arrangement: 周防 零
lyrics: 周防 零
vocal: ゆきゆっき
source: 砕月 (Broken Moon)
Touhou Geneishou theme song
穏やかな日々 ずっと繰り返す
二人同じ 月を見ながら
Calm days always repeating
The "ordinary" was important to me
We laughed together
Looking up at the same moon
胸に残る 優しい想い出は
今は居ない 君との記憶
あの日 ここで 交わした約束
The gentle memories that remain in my heart
Are of you, who isn't here now
Even now, I'm still chasing after
The promise we made here that day
「叶うのならば 君に触れたい」
悲しみに涙 零れる時は
月を見上げて 思い出す
"If you can, I want you to touch me"
When I cry in sorrow
I look up at the moon, and I remember
What you gave me
「変わる事は 何かを壊すから」
ずっと 優しさから逃げてた
やがて来る 別れが怖くて
"It's because changing means getting rid of something"
I always ran away from kindness
Afraid of the goodbye soon to come
I distanced myself from you
君は微笑み 私は俯く
その温もりに 触れて気づいた
人を想う この暖かさ
You smile, and I sulk
When I experienced it, I realized
That the warmth of thinking of someone
Is irreplacable
いつか君のように 強くなれたら
影(ワタシ)も誰かを 変えれるかな
If I can be strong like you one day
Then maybe I (the shade) can change someone too
I'll walk on now
So you can be proud of me
やがて離れる 時が来ても
ここで君を 想ってるから
変わっていく日々 変わらぬ想い
Even after when we're soon parted
I'll be thinking of you
So hold those changing days, and unchanging feelings
Close to your heart
月は変わらず 輝いている
あの日のように 夜空を照らす
君と二人 夢見た未来
The moon will be shining as always
Lighting up the night sky like that day
Even now, I'm still chasing after
The future I dreamt of with you